Monday, September 21, 2015

The Oslo accord is null and void! - A scathing indictment of the world nations at large‏! r11 - YJ Draiman

The Oslo accord is null and void! - A scathing indictment of the world nations at large‏! r11
The Arab-Palestinians Charter explicitly states that they want the State of Israel for themselves and the Jewish people destroyed.

The Arab-Palestinians actions to date has proven that they do not want peace. Why is the liberal left and many of the world nations are fantasizing and deluding themselves that the Arabs want peace.
People of the world wake up and realize what is their ultimate mission, eliminate the unbelievers. The Arabs promote and indoctrinate the children to commit terror and violence.
The Arabs never intended to abide by the Accord, or any other agreements with Israel for that matter. It was only a means to take control of territory and eventually take over all of Israel and expel and kill the Jews again, and they do not hide their intentions.

No Democratic country in the world would tolerate the terror violence and mayhem being committed in Israel by the Arabs. Any country that does not take extreme actions to stop this terror and violence is shirking its responsibility and obligation to its citizens and should be replaced.

Just like Abbas statement this week. It is time for formally announcing that the Oslo Accord is null and void and institute a population exchange. Moving the Arabs to Jordan and or the 120,000 sq. km. the Arab countries confiscated from the terrorized and expelled million Jewish families. Thus, take back complete control of Judea and Samaria and everything west of the Jordan River as decreed by post WWI international law and treaties, including the January 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement.

If the world at large does not wake up now they will be next. It already has started, take off the blinders, open you eyes and look around. The current refugee problem from
Syria and others are flooding Europe and changing the nature and face of Europe and others.
They are taking over Europe without a battle.
No entity in the world will force a solution on
They forced or were complicit to the Final solution in WWII with the Holocaust and the extermination of over 6 million Jewish people, men women and children.
Where were the worlds nations outcry, threats and objection when millions of Jewish people were being exterminated, men women and children? They were silent.
The Arab world received over 5 million square miles of territory after WWI and they begrudge the 75,000 sq. miles Israel was suppose to get and took 78% of it for Jordan and now they want more, until there is no Israel at all.
Where was the world nations when the Arab countries persecuted, terrorized and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children from their countries many who lived there for over 2,400 years, the Arabs confiscated their assets, business, homes and land 6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles), valued in the trillions of dollars? Most of the expelled Jewish families settled in
Israel and now comprise over half the population.
Where is the world nations today? Why do they ignore when thousands are slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world. The Muslims have killed over a half a billion people since the Muslim religion was initiated.

Today and since 1948. Israel is being threatened with annihilation and when Israel defends itself from destruction, terror, suicide bombers, thousands of missiles, violence, etc, by the Arabs, every country has something to say, threaten Israel and meddle in its internal business.

This is the time when nations of the world must mind their own business and stay out of
Israel’s internal affairs. Only then there will be a possibility of peace.

YJ Draiman

If you feel it is moral to express your sympathy for those Arabs who colonized and occupy all but a sliver of land in the Middle East, those who stone women to death, execute gays and rape little children? Those who kill people indiscriminately, suicide bombers, teach hate and violence to their children! If you believe that making Judaism illegal in every Arab country is OK? Really? The Arabs have also forced most Christians out of their countries. You leave me no choice then, but to assess you moral indignation as meaningless lawless revolting and vile. I laugh in astonishment at what hypocrites and naked bigots you are.

Friday, September 18, 2015

1925 Wakf Temple Mount Guide or THE MOSQUE OF AL-AQSA or Temple mount - Jewish Temple - YJ Draiman

1925 Wakf Temple Mount Guide or THE MOSQUE OF AL-AQSA or Temple mount - Jewish Temple - YJ Draiman

1925 Wakf Temple Mount Guide or AL-HARAM AL-SHARIF - JERUSALEM - r2

1925 Wakf Temple Mount Guide or THE MOSQUE OF AL-AQSA or Temple mount 
taken by force 16 pages.

Page 1 Cover and page 2 picture view of the Haram area from North to West

In 1925 Muslims that controlled Temple Mount produced this guide which as it turns out is a pretty accurate history showing that they do NOT hold the original claim to the mount, but instead, took it by force. Admitting that even their own scholars admit it belonged to the Jewish people.
Before 637 CE/AD Jerusalem was the Capital of the Jewish people for over a thousand years. Thereafter it was occupied by various conquering Nations as Occupied territory, It was allocated to the Jewish people after WWI under the 1920 San Remo Treaty and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.

Read it for yourself and decide. Don’t take my word for it.


Text only transcription of the guide for ease of reading.


Published by the Supreme Muslim Counsel


The Sacred Enclosure will normally be open to visitors between 7.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. daily (Fridays excepted).
Admission may be gained by the gate known as Bab al-Silsileh.

Jerusalem 1925


Visitors should bear in mind that the whole of the Haram Area, and not only it’s edifices, is scared to Muslims; and that they will be expected to pay due regard to its sanctity. In particular, they must abstain from smoking anywhere in the Area, and from bringing dogs with them.
The visiting-hours are from 
7.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. daily, (Fridays excepted) and visitors are particularly requested to leave punctually at 11.30 so as not to hinder the observance of the midday-prayer.
Admission may best be gained by the gate known as Bab al-Silsileh. It would save trouble and delay if visitors were to make it a point of entering the Haram by that gate.

N.B. The photographs in this Guide are reproduced by courtesy of the American Colony.

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The words al-Haram al-Sharif, which can perhaps best be rendered by “The August Sanctuary”, denote the whole of the sacred enclosure which it is the object of this Guide to describe.
Its plan is roughly that of a rectangle whose major axis runs from north to south; its area is approximately 145,000 square meters.
If you wish to have some idea of its extent and to see it whole before proceeding to examine it in detail, you would be well-advised to begin your visit by walking to the north-west corner, and there ascending the flight of steps which lead up to the disused building on the right, you will see the whole area spread before you. The view shown on the frontispiece (Fig. 1) was taken, although at a considerable altitude, from the very spot where you are standing.
The two principal edifices are the Dome of the Rock, on a raised platform in the middle, and the mosque of al-Aqsa against the south wall. Other buildings which we shall consider later lie dotted about here and there. On the left along the east wall the double portals of the Golden Gate appear. On every side, trees break the prospect, which lend a peculiar charm to the scene.
The side is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest (perhaps from prehistoric) times. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which “David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings”. (1)
But, for the purposes of this Guide, which confines itself to the Muslim period, the starting-point is the year 637 A.D. In that year, the Caliph Omar occupied Jerusalem and one of his first acts was to repair to this site, which had already become sacred in the eyes of Muslims as the place to which the Prophet was one night miraculously translated. The site had long since been neglected. The Caliph and his four thousand followers found little more than desolation and rubbish. There were the ruined walls of the Herodian and Roman periods, the remains of an early basilica (probably on the present site of al-Aqsa), and the bare Rock. Yet from this rock had the Prophet according to the tradition, ascended to heaven on his steed. So the Caliph ordered a mosque to be erected by its side. His orders were executed, and the building was seen and described by Bishop Arculf who visited Jerusalem about 670 A. D. But no vestige of it remains today, save for the name “Mosque of Omar” which is still, but quite wrongly, sometimes used for the Dome of the Rock.
With the reign of’ Abdul-Malek ibn Marwan, the Umayyad, 685-705 A.D., the history of the present buildings begins. 

2 Samuel XXIV, 25.

Page 5 - Pic. The fountain Sabil of Qait Bay

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was a holy city, to Muslims as well as to others, and to the energetic and pious caliph its glorification seemed an obvious duty. He collected large sums of money, amounting (say the Arab historians) to “seven times the revenue of Egypt”; and with that he built the Dome (691 A.D.), and the mosque of al-Aqsa (693 A.D.), both of which, according to medieval Arab travelers and chroniclers, were of unsurpassed magnificence. But in subsequent years, the buildings suffered much from earthquake shocks and underwent various restorations. In the year 407 A. H. (1016 A.D.), an earthquake shock caused the Dome to collapse, and it was re-erected six years later by the Caliph Hakem.
A new chapter begins with the capture of 
Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099. They occupied the Haram Area and turned its monuments to different uses. The Dome of the Rock was turned into a church and an alter erected on the Rock itself. The edifice was regarded by them as the veritableTemple of the Lord (Templum Domini) from which the Knights Templar whose Order was formed there take their name. It is interesting to note also that, as Temple of the Lord and symbol of the Order, it served as a model for churches which were later erected at various places in Europe, such as Aix-la-Chapelle, Metz, Leon, and the Temple Church in London; and that it figures in Raphael’s famous picture of the “Sposalizio” (Brera, Milan,) and, still more recognizably,
in the picture of “The Maries at the Sepulcher”, attributed to Hubert von Eyck. The mosque of al-Aqsa, on the other hand, was transformed in to a royal residence known as the 
Palace ofSolomon; while the vast substructures below the south-east corner of the Area were used by the Knights as stables.
The end of this chapter came in 1187, when Saladin captured 
Jerusalem and drove the Crusaders out. One of his first acts was to put back the buildings to their former use as places of Muslim worship, and he caused every vestige of the Templar's occupation to be removed. At the same time he carried out important embellishments.
In the Dome of the Rock, he caused the walls to be covered with marble, and set up the beautiful inscription which may still be seen above the open gallery of the cupola.
He also restored the stucco incrustation of the inner dome, which remains to this day. In the mosque of al-Aqusa, he carried out restoration and embellishments, of which the chief were the fine mosaics on the drum of the dome and the beautiful pulpit adjoining the prayer-niche.
The Haram Area has remained in Muslim hands ever since.
For although 
Jerusalem was again occupied by the Crusaders (1229-1244), yet their occupation did not extend to the sacred enclosure which it had been agreed should remain in Muslim possession. During the three centuries which followed, various repairs and additions were made; but the most important restoration was that which was carried out, after the Turkish conquest.
In the reign of Sulaiman the Magnificent (1520-1566). This sultan whose works are still to be found all over the 
Holy City, carried out a wholesale renovation of the Dome of the Rock. A large part of the decoration in glazed tiles upon the exterior of the shrine and most of the windows were added during his reign. Since then,

Page 7 - Pic The Southern Arcades (Mawazine) and pulpits Burliancddin 

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both buildings have undergone different restorations which have for the most part marred rather than enhanced their beauty.
This is more particularly the case with the tiles on the exterior of the Dome of the Rock, which the hand of the restorer has here and there shifted or replaced most unhappily; and it is the present concern of the authorities of the Haram to try and undo the damage and restore to these decorative features something of their former harmony.

The Dome of the Rock stands on an irregular platform whose level is some 12 feet above that of the Area. It is approached from every side by flights of broad steps surmounted at the landing by graceful arcades (Fig. 3) known as Mawazin, that is to say ‘scales’, because of the traditional belief that on the Day of Judgment the scales of good and evil will be suspended there.
Having ascended the steps on the raised platform, you should, before entering the edifice, walk around it and examine it from the outside first. Its plan is that of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle of 177 ft. diameter. It has four entrances, each of which faces one of the points of the compass: on the West, The Bab al-Gharb, or west gate; on the north, the Bab al-Janna, or gate of paradise; on the east, the Bab Daud, or gate of David; and on the south, the Bab al-Qibla or south gate. This last gate fixes the direction in which prayers are to be said, namely the direction of
Mecca. The walls of the building are decorated with marble facings on the lower courses and with colored glazed tiles above.
The tiles which form this decoration date for the most part from the end of the reign of Sulaiman the Magnificent (v. page 6) when the art of Oriental ceramic decoration was perhaps at its height.
Unfortunately, a great many of the original tiles have fallen off, and others have at various times been set in their stead without apparent regard for the harmony either of color or pattern. Still, the effect is striking and, especially in certain lights, beautiful.
The frieze is inscribed with verses from the Koran. Above rests the Dome, as rebuilt by the Caliph Hakem in 1022, slightly flattened on one side, and surmounted by the Crescent. The edifice itself is substantially that which was erected by ‘Abdul-Malek ibn Marwan; but the outer decorations that we have just seen are mostly due to Suliaman the Magnificent, and to later restorers.
On the east side of the Dome of the Rock, facing the Bab Daub. or gate of David, stands an elegant little edifice, also surmounted by a dome, which look at first sight like a miniature representation of its larger brother. The room which supports the Dome and it’s drum rests on two concentric rows of columns neither of which is encased by walls. On the south side is a Mihrab, that is to say the prayer-recess. The edifice is variously known as Mahkamat Daud, (i.e. Tribunal of David) and Qubbat al-Silsileh (i.e. Dome of the Chain), from the legendary belief that on its site was the place of Judgments where verdicts were given by a miraculous chain. For as the legend has it, a chain was once suspended

Page 9 - Pic The Dome of the Rock (from the North-East)

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from heaven over this spot, to which it was the practice in Solomon’s time to appeal in cases of conflicting evidence. Each witness was made to grasp the chain in turn: if he succeed in holding it, his truthfulness was thereby vindicated, but if it eluded his grasp, then he was a manifest liar. The edifice is said by some historians to be contemporaneous with the Dome of the Rock; but it is an established fact that it has been rebuilt more than once, albeit with the original columns which are in the Byzantine style and were undoubtedly taken from other buildings. Their number has varied: at the present time there are eleven in the outer, and six in the inner rows. (Fig. 4) We will now enter the Dome of the Rock (Qubbal al-Sakhra) by the west gate. The metal doors on either side of the entrance are worthy of notice; and inscription which was only recently discovered proves them to have been made and set up during the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Qait Bay, towards the end of the XVth. century. A few steps further, we find ourselves in the interior of the building. At first sight it is almost too dark to see; but as the eye gets used to the subdued light, the beauty of the structure and the splendor for the ornamentation reveal themselves. In the centre, vertically below the dome, is the Sacred Rock, an irregular mass of yellowish stone. This is where the Crusaders had set up an altar and traces can still be seen of the steps which once led up to it. The dome rests on an inner system of piers and columns forming a circle and connected with each other by a wrought-iron grille, dating from the XIIth. century — a unique remnant of the Crusaders’ decorations. This inner row is formed of four rectangular piers, beautifully adorned with marble facings dating from the XVth. century, and twelve monolithic columns with Byzantine capitals carrying semicircular arches. Above is the drum with its rich mosaics, its delicate inscription on bands and medallions, and 16 windows; while, resting on the rim above the clerestory windows, is the inner (wooden) cupola, with its remarkable stucco ornamentation, ordered by Saladin in 1189.
Concentric with inner system which we have just described is the outer octagonal row of piers and columns supporting the roof. The piers in this row are eight in number and are of massive size, covered with XVth. century marble facings; while the columns, of which there are sixteen, are marble monoliths
taken from some older building, probably Hadrian’s 
Temple of Jupiter. The capitals, which are of varying design, belong to the late Greco-Roman or the early Byzantine period. Above each capital is an abacus on which rests the decorated beam which runs round the octagon and serves as an “anchor” beam from pier to pier–an interesting architectural feature, probably of Arab origin, which is characteristic of the earliest mosques. Between each pair of piers are three arches richly adorned with old mosaic dating, except for certain later restorations, from the VIIth. century. Above is a narrow band of blue tiles on which runs an inscription in gold Cubic letters, which is of great historical importance, for it records the date of the construction of the edifice and the name of the builder, with a chronological inconsequence which tells its own tale. The date is given as A.H. 72 and the

Page 11 - Pic The Rock

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name as that of the Caliph al-Mamun who reigned in A.H. 197-218: an obvious anachronism, of which the explanation is that the name of the later Caliph was substituted for that of his predecessor, ‘Abudul-Malek ibn Marwan , the real builder of the Dome of the Rock, while the original date remained unchanged.
The walls of the edifice, which as we have seen form a regular octagon, are covered with marble slabs and pierced with windows dating, for the most part, from Sulaiman’s restorations.
The slabs are of beautiful marble specially chosen for its smoothness and remarkable veining. The windows are made of plaster, and their pattern consists of an intricate openwork tracery in which are inserted bits of colored glass. The effect is one of great softness and richness of color, and this is partly due to
the skill with which the tracery is hollowed out of the plaster and cut away towards the inside in such a way that the openings become provided with a kind of cone for the softer diffusion of the rays of light.
A detailed description of the Dome of the Rock would be beyond the scope of this Guide. Its principal features have been mentioned and described in sufficient detail, it is believed, to give the visitor an adequate summary of its history and some help towards the appreciation of its magnificence.

Leaving the Dome of the Rock by the west gate, the visitor will notice, some 50 yards away on the right, a small octagonal domed edifice of semi-oriental and semi-Gothic appearance. This is the Qubbal al-Mi’raj or Dome of the Ascension. It was originally built in commemoration of the Prophet’s miraculous ascension, and rebuilt in its present form about the year 1200 A.D., that is to say some thirteen years after the capture of the Holy City by Saladin and at a time when Gothic influence in building, which had been imported by the Crusaders, was still at its height.
The monument is not open to visitors.
Turning towards the south, we cross the platform to the arcades on its southern side, passing on the way the marble pulpit of Burhaneddin (Fig. 3) which was built by the judge of that name in the middle of the XVth. century. The pulpit is crowned by a dome supported by trefoil arches resting on columns,
and is an interesting as well as a beautiful example of the work of that period. Beyond the pulpit are the steps leading down to the court of the mosque of al-Aqsa. Immediately in front is the fountain of ablutions, and beyond that is the mosque itself.
The porch, which is the most recent part of the building, was added by the Sultan al-Mu’azzam, a nephew of Saladin, in the XIIIth. century. An inscription above the middle archway records the date as 634 A.H. (1236 A.D.). The porch consists of a facade of seven pointed arches, corresponding to the seven
front doors of the mosque, and affords yet another example of the Crusaders’ influence, although not a very happy one.
The interior of the mosque is unfortunately only partly accessible

Page 13 - Pic The Al-Aqsa Mosque (front)

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to visitors at the present time, on account of the considerable repairs which have to be carried out to that part of the buildings which supports the dome. But visitors are admitted to the nave and aisles and can gain some idea of the whole. The nave, formed by two rows of massive columns with capitals, is the oldest part of the mosque. On either side of it, is an aisle, both of which date also from the earliest period; the outside aisles are of more recent construction. The columns of the nave were probably taken from Justinian’s basilica; while the capitals, which are mostly of the acanthus-leaf and wicker-work patterns,
date from Byzantine times and are probably contemporaneous with the construction of the mosque itself. The columns support a system of pointed arches of which the exact date is not known for certain. Their pointed form, however, shows plainly that they belong to a later period that the VIIth. century, for in that period the pointed form had not yet been evolved and the horse-shoe arch, as we have seen in the interior of the Dome of the Rock, was still prevalent. The columns are connected by wooden tie-beams, which as we have seen (page 10) is a device characteristic of early Arab monuments. Above the arches are two rows of windows; the lower open on the inner aisles, the upper are clerestory windows admitting air and light from the outside. (Fig. 7).
Above the crossing stands the dome resting on a circular drum supported by a system of arches and pedantries, which are themselves borne at the tour corners by groups of pillars and capitals. The dome, which is of wood protected on the outside by a covering of lead sheeting, is ornamented with a handsome stucco incrustation of the same style as that of the dome of the Qubbat al-Sakhra. This decoration may, like its counterpart in the Sakhra, date from the time of Saladin; but be this as it may, it was completely renovated, if not actually made in the first instance, but the Sultan Muhammad ibn Qalaun in the year 728 A.H. (1327 A.D.), as the beautiful inscription on the blue band around the cupola testifies. The drum and the four arches with their pedantries are covered with a beautiful mosaic on a gold ground dating from the end of the XIIth. century, that is to say from the restoration carried out by Saladin (v. page 6).
To the west of the crossing runs the broad transept with its colonnade of pillars taken from older buildings. A few interesting Byzantine capitals of wicker-work design are worth noticing. The transept is continued into a vaulted gallery which dates from the occupation of the Crusaders, and was used as quarters by the Knights Templar.
The Mihrab (or prayer recess) in the south wall, facing the nave, is ornamented with mosaics and flanked with splendor and elegant marble columns. According to an inscription in mosaic above the niche, the work is due to Saladin. To the right of the Mihrab stands a handsome pulpit made of wood and beautifully ornamented with inlaid ivory and mother-of-pearl. It was made in 
Aleppo, as the inscription on it testifies, by the Sultan Nureddin in the year 1168 A.D., and was brought toJerusalem by order of Saladin towards the end of the century. Above the prayer-niche are windows dating from the XVIth. century.

Page 15 - Pic The Al Aqsa Mosque (interior)

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Leaving the mosque of al-Aqsa by the front entrance, we turn to the left and proceed to the south-east corner of the Haram Area where a staircase leads down in to the vast subterranean substructures known as Solomon’s Stables. The first flight of steps takes us down to the small chamber, now used as a place of Muslim worship, which was believed in medieval times to have been associated with Jesus Christ’s infancy. This belief was prevalent long before the advent of the Crusaders and was subsequently accepted by them. In the angle between the west and south walls of the chamber is a little dome borne upon four marble columns; and underneath the dome is a small niche lying horizontally, which was believed in early times to have been the Cradle of Christ and referred to under that name by several Arab historians.
In the west wall of the chamber, a door opens into a staircase descending to Solomon’s Stables. This is a vast subterranean chamber, of roughly rectangular shape, of which the chief feature is the imposing size of the piers. Of these, there are fifteen rows of varying size and height supporting the vaults on which rests the roof. Little is known for certain of the early history of the chamber itself. It dates probably as far back as the construction of Solomon’s 
Temple. According to Josephus, it was in existence and was used as a place of refuge by the Jews at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus in the year 70 A.D.. We also know that this space was used by the Knights Templar as stables, and the holes to which they tethered their horses can still be seen in the masonry of the piers. Such evidence as is afforded by the masonry itself, and more particularly by the contrast between the lower and the upper courses of the larger piers, would tend to show that they belong to two distinct periods, and that the upper parts and the vaults were of Arab construction superimposed upon ancient foundations.
The substructures supporting the nave of the mosque of al-Aqsa are not accessible.

The best way out is across the esplanade, past the porch of the mosque of al-Aqsa, and back to the Bab al-Silsileh. An alternative would be to continue northwards past the Bab al-Silsileh to the gate known as Bab al-Quttanin, a handsome gate dating from the reign of Sultan Muhammad ibn Qalaun (1336 A.D.) and typical of XIVth century Arab work. To the south-east of this gate is the Sabil (or drinking fountain) built about the year
1460 A.D. by 
Mamluk Sultan Qait Bay – an attractive building, perfect of its kind. (Fig. 2).

G. A.

Franciscan Printing Press, 
Jerusalem - back page

1925 Wakf Temple Mount Guide or Temple mount taken by force.
In 1925 Muslims that controlled Temple Mount produced this guide which as it turns out is a pretty accurate history showing that they do NOT hold the original claim to the mount, but instead, took it by force. Admitting that even their own scholars admit it belonged to the Jewish people.

Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Israel

Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Israel

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Via Dolorosa

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam come together in the state capital, which is known for its religious tolerance. Known for its historical, archaeological, and religious attractions, Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. A visit to the Old City of Jerusalem in the east is a must. The city that is divided into four quarters: Armenian Quarter, Christian Quarter, Muslim Quarter, and Jewish Quarter, is home to several sites of religious importance for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Tomb Garden

Located outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem lies the Garden Tomb on which Jesus' tomb lies. The rock-cut tomb, which is adjacent to Skull Hill or Calvary, is an integral part of the Holy Land Tour taken up by Christians the world over.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Regarded to be the most important Christian site in Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is believed to be the place where Jesus was crucified. The church forms the 14th post on the Via Dolorosa, and is lined with many smaller chapels belonging exclusively to specific denominations.

Tower of David

Located at the northwest corner of the Old City, the Tower of David contains important archaeological finds, dating back 2,700 years. It houses the Tower of David Museum, opened in 1989. You can even ascend to the rampart and enjoy a 360° view of Jerusalem.

Wailing Wall

The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall is located at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. Considered to be the closest permitted accessible site to the holiest spot in Judaism, it is venerated as a pilgrimage site by the Jews.

Dome of the Rock

Located on the Temple Mount in the old City of Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock, also known as Qubbat As-Sakhrah. The Muslims believe it to be the site of the Islamic miracle of the Isra and Miraj. Patterned after the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Dome of the Rock is supposed to be the first great work of Islamic architecture. The Foundation Stone has its significance for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Mount of Olives

Located on the eastern slopes of Jerusalem's mountains, and running adjacent to the Old City, is Mount of Olives. Used as a Jewish burial site, it houses an estimated 150,000 graves on the mount. At the foot of the mount lies the Garden of Gethsemane, featuring trees that are over 2,000 years old.

Tomb of Zechariah

Located in the Kidron Valley on the eastern side of the Old City of Jerusalem is the tomb of Zechariah. It is a square monolith with a three-stepped base. The valley also contains the tombs of Absalom, Jehoshaphat, and Benei Hezir.


Old City of Acre

The Old City of Acre is situated in the Western Galilee region of northern Israel. Acre is a historic walled port-city that has been continuously inhabited. The remains of the town have been intact, both above and below the ground, making it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Khan al-Umdan

In the Old City of Acre is the Khán-i-'Avámid or the Khan al-Umdan, an important trading spot since the Ottoman period. A major tourist attraction that is open all hours of the day, it has been converted into an open-air stage, to house the theater festival in the month of October.


Galilee is a large region in northern Israel, and is associated for the serene mountain scenery and the Sea of Galilee. Inextricably linked with the life of Jesus Christ, it is also home to two of Judaism's holy cities. Galilee is a popular tourist destination, especially among Christians, as many of the miracles of Jesus occurred here.


Safed is the highest city in Galilee and Israel, and is considered to be one of the Four Holy Cities of Judaism. It is a center of the Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, and is frequented by both Israelis and foreign visitors alike.

Sea of Galilee

Lake Kinneret or the Sea of Galilee, as it is known, is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. Christ's sermon on the mount, calming the storm, and walking on water, are said to have been performed at this site.

Mount of Beatitudes

The mountain is known for being the site of Jesus' famed sermon. Its unique combination of high and low altitudes, and a plateau-like valley, serves as a natural amphitheater that could easily accommodate the multitude that came to hear the sermon.

Church of the Multiplication

Located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee is the church that commemorates Jesus' feeding of the 'Five Thousand'. It also holds the remains of a fifth-century church that stood in this place.

Church of Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

Built on the peak of Mount Tabor in Lower Galilee is the Church of the Transfiguration. Supposed to be the place where the famed Transfiguration of Christ took place, Mount of Tabor also houses an Orthodox church, and a cave on the northwestern side.

Church of Annunciation in Nazareth

This place is said to be where the seed of Christianity was planted, and is supposedly the largest Christian sanctuary in the Middle East.

Baptismal Site, River Jordan

Located along the Jordan in the Galilee region of northern Israel is the Yardenit Baptismal Site, which is frequented by Christians. This site sees an average of 400,000 visitors each year.

Roman Remnants At Tiberias

Located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee is one of the Four Holy Cities of Judaism. Visit the Hammat Tiberias Synagogue, a 4th century synagogue which contains the Torah shrine. Tiberias is supposedly the final resting place of many prominent Jewish rabbis and thinkers. Visit the 2,000-year-old Roman theater that was unearthed near Mount Bernike in the Tiberias hills. Brimming with history, this place attracts scores of travelers each year.


Mount Carmel

The largest city in northern Israel is located on the northern slope of Mount Carmel. Haifa is home to the Bahá'í World Center, and Matam, one of the oldest and largest high-tech parks in the country. A major seaport located on the Mediterranean coast, it is the major regional center of northern Israel.

Bahá'í World Center

Located in Haifa, the Bahá'í World Center comprises the Shrines of Bahá'u'lláh, Báb, and `Abdu'l-Bahá, other holy sites of the Bahá'í Faith in the area, and the buildings on the slope of Mt. Carmel.


Ruins at Caesarea

Located near the city of Hadera is the town of Caesarea. The town served as a major social, political, and commercial center for the Romans. It is an extensive archaeological site visited by many tourists yearly. Visit the Caesarea National Park that preserves the Roman aqueduct, and standing Crusader balustrades and towers.

Roman Theater in Caesarea

The Roman theater hosts concerts, entertainment extravaganzas, and the annual Caesarea Jazz and Opera festival.

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is the largest metropolitan area in Israel, and its second most populous city. Founded on the outskirts of the ancient port of Jaffa by the Jewish community, it is one of the tourist hotspots in Israel.



Located on the eastern edge of the Judean desert and overlooking the Dead Sea, Masada is Israel's most popular paid tourist attraction. The ancient fortress is popular for its unique geographical formation, and for the exhilarating hike that it provides.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea that lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, has attracted visitors from around the world for centuries. A visit to the Dead Sea is a must for a therapeutic experience.



Eilat, the southernmost city in Israel, is located at the northern tip of the Red Sea. Eilat is famous for its beautiful hotels, exciting nightlife, and desert landscape, that make it a favorable spot for international tourism.

Coral Reef in Eilat

Go scuba diving, and indulge in other water sports at Eilat. Explore the coral reefs, and visit the maritime museum at Eilat, to complete an adventurous holiday in Israel.

That pretty much sums up a tour of Israel. Most of the places are tourist hotspots, due to the emergence of Holy Land tours that are conducted the world over. Make the most of your trip to this land of the world's largest religions.
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Via Dolorosa

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam come together in the state capital, which is known for its religious tolerance. Known for its historical, archaeological, and religious attractions, Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world. A visit to the Old City of Jerusalem in the east is a must. The city that is divided into four quarters: Armenian Quarter, Christian Quarter, Muslim Quarter, and Jewish Quarter, is home to several sites of religious importance for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Tomb Garden

Located outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem lies the Garden Tomb on which Jesus' tomb lies. The rock-cut tomb, which is adjacent to Skull Hill or Calvary, is an integral part of the Holy Land Tour taken up by Christians the world over.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Regarded to be the most important Christian site in Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is believed to be the place where Jesus was crucified. The church forms the 14th post on the Via Dolorosa, and is lined with many smaller chapels belonging exclusively to specific denominations.

Tower of David

Located at the northwest corner of the Old City, the Tower of David contains important archaeological finds, dating back 2,700 years. It houses the Tower of David Museum, opened in 1989. You can even ascend to the rampart and enjoy a 360° view of Jerusalem.

Wailing Wall

The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall is located at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. Considered to be the closest permitted accessible site to the holiest spot in Judaism, it is venerated as a pilgrimage site by the Jews.

Dome of the Rock

Located on the Temple Mount in the old City of Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock, also known as Qubbat As-Sakhrah. The Muslims believe it to be the site of the Islamic miracle of the Isra and Miraj. Patterned after the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Dome of the Rock is supposed to be the first great work of Islamic architecture. The Foundation Stone has its significance for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Mount of Olives

Located on the eastern slopes of Jerusalem's mountains, and running adjacent to the Old City, is Mount of Olives. Used as a Jewish burial site, it houses an estimated 150,000 graves on the mount. At the foot of the mount lies the Garden of Gethsemane, featuring trees that are over 2,000 years old.

Tomb of Zechariah

Located in the Kidron Valley on the eastern side of the Old City of Jerusalem is the tomb of Zechariah. It is a square monolith with a three-stepped base. The valley also contains the tombs of Absalom, Jehoshaphat, and Benei Hezir.


Old City of Acre

The Old City of Acre is situated in the Western Galilee region of northern Israel. Acre is a historic walled port-city that has been continuously inhabited. The remains of the town have been intact, both above and below the ground, making it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Khan al-Umdan

In the Old City of Acre is the Khán-i-'Avámid or the Khan al-Umdan, an important trading spot since the Ottoman period. A major tourist attraction that is open all hours of the day, it has been converted into an open-air stage, to house the theater festival in the month of October.


Galilee is a large region in northern Israel, and is associated for the serene mountain scenery and the Sea of Galilee. Inextricably linked with the life of Jesus Christ, it is also home to two of Judaism's holy cities. Galilee is a popular tourist destination, especially among Christians, as many of the miracles of Jesus occurred here.


Safed is the highest city in Galilee and Israel, and is considered to be one of the Four Holy Cities of Judaism. It is a center of the Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, and is frequented by both Israelis and foreign visitors alike.

Sea of Galilee

Lake Kinneret or the Sea of Galilee, as it is known, is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. Christ's sermon on the mount, calming the storm, and walking on water, are said to have been performed at this site.

Mount of Beatitudes

The mountain is known for being the site of Jesus' famed sermon. Its unique combination of high and low altitudes, and a plateau-like valley, serves as a natural amphitheater that could easily accommodate the multitude that came to hear the sermon.

Church of the Multiplication

Located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee is the church that commemorates Jesus' feeding of the 'Five Thousand'. It also holds the remains of a fifth-century church that stood in this place.

Church of Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

Built on the peak of Mount Tabor in Lower Galilee is the Church of the Transfiguration. Supposed to be the place where the famed Transfiguration of Christ took place, Mount of Tabor also houses an Orthodox church, and a cave on the northwestern side.

Church of Annunciation in Nazareth

This place is said to be where the seed of Christianity was planted, and is supposedly the largest Christian sanctuary in the Middle East.

Baptismal Site, River Jordan

Located along the Jordan in the Galilee region of northern Israel is the Yardenit Baptismal Site, which is frequented by Christians. This site sees an average of 400,000 visitors each year.

Roman Remnants At Tiberias

Located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee is one of the Four Holy Cities of Judaism. Visit the Hammat Tiberias Synagogue, a 4th century synagogue which contains the Torah shrine. Tiberias is supposedly the final resting place of many prominent Jewish rabbis and thinkers. Visit the 2,000-year-old Roman theater that was unearthed near Mount Bernike in the Tiberias hills. Brimming with history, this place attracts scores of travelers each year.


Mount Carmel

The largest city in northern Israel is located on the northern slope of Mount Carmel. Haifa is home to the Bahá'í World Center, and Matam, one of the oldest and largest high-tech parks in the country. A major seaport located on the Mediterranean coast, it is the major regional center of northern Israel.

Bahá'í World Center

Located in Haifa, the Bahá'í World Center comprises the Shrines of Bahá'u'lláh, Báb, and `Abdu'l-Bahá, other holy sites of the Bahá'í Faith in the area, and the buildings on the slope of Mt. Carmel.


Ruins at Caesarea

Located near the city of Hadera is the town of Caesarea. The town served as a major social, political, and commercial center for the Romans. It is an extensive archaeological site visited by many tourists yearly. Visit the Caesarea National Park that preserves the Roman aqueduct, and standing Crusader balustrades and towers.

Roman Theater in Caesarea

The Roman theater hosts concerts, entertainment extravaganzas, and the annual Caesarea Jazz and Opera festival.

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is the largest metropolitan area in Israel, and its second most populous city. Founded on the outskirts of the ancient port of Jaffa by the Jewish community, it is one of the tourist hotspots in Israel.



Located on the eastern edge of the Judean desert and overlooking the Dead Sea, Masada is Israel's most popular paid tourist attraction. The ancient fortress is popular for its unique geographical formation, and for the exhilarating hike that it provides.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea that lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, has attracted visitors from around the world for centuries. A visit to the Dead Sea is a must for a therapeutic experience.



Eilat, the southernmost city in Israel, is located at the northern tip of the Red Sea. Eilat is famous for its beautiful hotels, exciting nightlife, and desert landscape, that make it a favorable spot for international tourism.

Coral Reef in Eilat
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