Friday, September 18, 2015

Palestinian savages erupt in ‘Day of Rage’ against Israeli Temple Mount

Palestinian savages erupt in ‘Day of Rage’ against Israeli Temple Mount restrictions after assassination attempt on Israeli leader

Clashes broke out after Palestinian protesters took to the streets in a “Day of Rage” against Israel on Friday, after Israel imposed entry restrictions on the Temple Mount – the third holiest site in Islam, and the holiest place in Judaism.


RT  Demonstrators shouted anti-Israel slogans and hurled stones, while explosions in the vicinity of the protests were audible. Israeli forces fired rubber bullets at the protesters, who had been throwing petrol bombs, according to Reuters. Protests were also met with tear gas.

Trouble has been brewing for two weeks over the area which is known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount. On Friday, Israel’s Sephardi chief rabbi forbade the presence of Jews.

This is the place to call on the esteemed public to stop this incitement, from here a call is heard, forbidding any Jews from going up to the Temple Mount – from here a call is heard to stop this, so that the blood of the People of Israel may stop being spilled,” he said.


At the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem, protesters were fired on by Israeli troops. The checkpoint lies north of the Al-Aqsa mosque. 

Several people were arrested for throwing rocks, an activity which could soon be punished by up to 20 years in prison if a proposed change to the Israeli penal code goes ahead.

For several decades, prayer access has been banned to Temple Mount by Israel, and only Muslims are permitted to pray there. However, Christians and Jews retain access. More right-wing Jews have been lobbying for stronger rights and unrest has spawned from right-wing Jewish activists insisting that Jews be allowed to pray at Temple Mount.

 Palestinian protester hurls a stone with a sling towards Israeli troops during clashes following a protest against what organizers say are recent visits by Jewish activists to al-Aqsa mosque
Palestinian protester hurls a stone with a sling towards Israeli troops during clashes following a protest against what organizers say are recent visits by Jewish activists to the Temple Mount

PM Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman have warned the activists to stop inflaming the situation. The Bayit Yehudi and Likud parties “only know how to light a flame and to exploit a situation for their own political gains,” Liberman said.

The shrine is currently under the administration of Muslim authorities.

In September, Israeli forces decided to only allow Palestinians over the age of 50 to enter the site. The Palestinian population feared Israel was going to restrict access to the mosque for all Muslims. That caused the latest in a series of clashes with Israeli police at the site.

A Palestinian protester holds a Hamas flag during clashes with Israeli troops following a protest against what organizers say are recent visits by Jewish activists to al-Aqsa mosque
A Palestinian protester holds a Hamas flag during clashes with Israeli troops 

“It’s a group of extreme right wingers who are really playing with fire,” Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy told RT. “It’s not only about the Palestinian community or even not the Arab states – this is about the Muslim world, and those provocateurs don’t seem to care at all.”

Protesters also took to the streets in Amman, Jordan. Jordan recalled its ambassador on Wednesday and Sheikh Hamam, head of the country’s opposition Muslim Brotherhood party, told crowds in central Amman: “Why are you keeping the embassy of the Jews? It should be demolished with everyone in it.”


The Al-Aqsa mosque, located in Jerusalem’s Old City, is the third holiest site in Islam. It sits within an enclosed compound known as the Noble Sanctuary, which also includes the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine built on the site of the sacred stone which is believed to mark the place from where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

The Dome of the Rock is also believed by Jewish scholars to be the location of the first and second temples, both of which were destroyed – the first by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the second by the Romans in 70 CE. Within Judaism the entire area, including Al-Aqsa, is known as Temple Mount and is equally as sacred.

Members of Palestinian security forces take position as Palestinian women take part in an anti-Israel protest against what organizers say are recent visits by Jewish activists to al-Aqsa mosque
Members of Palestinian security forces take position as Palestinian women take part in an anti-Israel protest 

19 comments on “Palestinian savages erupt in ‘Day of Rage’ against Israeli Temple Mount restrictions after assassination attempt on Israeli leader

  1. Why are Muhammadans living in Israel (or anywhere in The West) !
    Well My Little Muhammadans
    – If you hate Israel (and The West) so Much
    – “3825” Off!
    Israel (and The west) has taken tolerance of the intoleratnt to far.
    EXPEL or “EXPEL” each and every Muhammadan Living in any civilised Society.
    • each and every Muhammadan demonstrator should be instantly arrested processed and escorted to the nearest border gate and expelled – never to be permitted back.
  2. The Al Aqsa mosque …. is the Pimple on the Mount …. God should reach down …. with his two big and hairy knuckled index fingers …. and pop it …. onto his Holy …. and never foggy …. bathroom mirror ! Monedas 1929 Comedy Jihad Relax Bill Maher This Is Religious Allegory License World Tour
  3. Bloody savages. They nibble at and destroy everything on their path until it becomes theirs. Termites… Did you see their latest car jihad cartoon for the kids and their last song ‘Run over a baby’… I’ll send you the cartoon. You can use it for other stories.
  4. lol at the youths who spend throw rocks.
    why are the 25 years old and up dont throw rocks? because they ate enough shit already. the younger ones didnt eat enough crap and still live in the fantasy world.
    soon the younger turn to 25 and the next young ones will throw rocks and live in the fantasy world.
    spending so much time throwing rocks ends up with no value to society and live poor, not enough money to make 20 babies per family.
    i so hope that throwing rocks becomes punishable to up for 20 years.
    so all the 18 plus group will be cut.
    only the 10-18 will remain unpunished and used by the muslim leaders.
  5. ‘Israel’s Sephardi chief rabbi forbade the presence of Jews (on the Temple Mount).
    Unrest has spawned from right-wing Jewish activists insisting that Jews be allowed to pray at Temple Mount.’
    PM Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Liberman warned the activists to stop inflaming the situation. They “only know how to light a flame and to exploit a situation for their own political gains,”.
    NO! It’s violent God-hater muslims who continually wage jihad against ALL non-muslims who inflame! Stop blaming Jewish victims! Shame on you! Shame!
    ‘For several decades, prayer access has been banned to Temple Mount by Israel, and only Muslims are permitted to pray there.’
    Who will dare to forbid the presence of Jews on the Temple Mount? Who will dare to stop Jews from praying on Judaism’s holiest place, the holiest place on earth? Who will dare to despise the Holy One and treat God with such contempt?
    It was our Glorious, Majestic, Awesome Creator who won re-born Israel’s every war.
    Praise and Thank You forever, Awesome God!
    Why are ungrateful anti-God Israeli leaders provoking God to great wrath?
    Dear Jewish brothers and sisters, right-wing Jewish activists, God is pleased with Your obedience to Him!
    Israeli leaders, stop your wicked defiance to Almighty God! Rebuild the Third Temple now as commanded by God in the Bible!
    • As long as Al-Aqsa exists peace will not exist. It is a irrevocable fact.
      The paedophile prophet of piss-lam was murdered by one of his wives. He was satan incarnate and descended into hell. So where is the question of him ascending to heaven?
      Al-Aqsa is in Jerusalem and it belongs to Israel. Why should the filthy muslime countries be allowed to dictate terms to the Israeli government on it? To solve the issue, once and for all, simply blast the dome and convert the entire structure into a shrine where everyone can feel free to go and worship.
  6. “It’s a group of extreme right wingers who are really playing with fire,” Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy told RT. “It’s not only about the Palestinian community or even not the Arab states – this is about the Muslim world, and those provocateurs don’t seem to care at all.”
    I surely hope not, we’ve done more then enough caring already. It’s time you start caring about your own welbeïng because if you keep going at this course, you’ll soon have far worse problems….
    “Why are you keeping the embassy of the Jews? It should be demolished with everyone in it.”
    I think the same about your embassies and mosques. Time to demolish them as well…
    It’s time that this is going to happen, muslims have had enough apologies, respect and sympathy then they deserve,.
  7. It’s a lie from the pit of hell that the Temple Mount is the third holiest site in Islam. LIES. LIES. LIES.
    ‘The Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine built on the site of the sacred stone which is believed to mark the place from where Muhammad ascended to heaven.’
    How can anyone claim that a male who constantly raped a little girl, committed beheadings and satanic atrocities and was a barbaric mass murderer and massive sex-slaver ascends to heaven?
    Everyone knows that God is HOLY.

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